Lower Body Lift

Lower body lift addresses the midsection and upper thigh region. It is the surgical process of removing the excess skin and fat that remains after weight loss.


The result is a smoother, toned skin surface and an overall thinner midsection and thigh.

Weight loss can be an exciting milestone for many, but what often remains is excess skin that is simply impossible to eliminate by diet and exercise alone. General aging , as well as child bearing can also cause this sagging of the skin. The lower body lift can restore the tone and shape of the abdomen, back, buttocks, hips and thighs.

  • A customized strategy is determined for each individual. The procedure is often combined with breast lifts, arm lifts and liposuction to retain proper body proportion. Best possible outcomes can be determined and discussed in a consultation with Dr. Brady.

    A lower body lift requires great artistry and can be seen as a sculpting process. The goal is a balanced, natural and beautiful overall look.

    When a lower body lift is considered after weight loss, it is important that the individual reach and maintain their goal weight for at least a few months prior to the procedure.

    During the procedure, skin is lifted from underlying tissue, muscles are tightened and stitched, fat is removed where necessary, and the skin is sutured closed. The navel is often relocated to a new position.

  • After surgery, patients are encouraged to walk as soon as they are able to, although strenuous activities must be limited for about a month. Results are visible immediately.

