Adult Stem Cell Therapy

Our practice is pleased to offer one of the most exciting advances in medicine in the 21st century: the use of autologous stem cells.


When we experience an injury stem cells are essential in our healing. However, as we get older it is more difficult for our body to heal chronic problems like arthritis, chronic tendonitis, and other conditions.

We now have the ability to extract, isolate, grow and store a patient's own stem cells for future use in a wide variety of medical conditions.

  • Autologous means that stem cells are isolated from each individual patient, most commonly derived from subcutaneous fat. Approximately 10 to 20% of the cells harvested from fat are stem cells. The stem cells are then purified and grown in a laboratory. Our office can then inject pure stem cells into virtually any part of the body affected by arthritis, tendinitis and chronic pain.

    The stem cells seem to have two remarkable properties. First, the stem cells are profoundly anti-inflammatory; whereas previously, doctors would inject cortisone to reduce inflammation into painful joints and tendonitis, now, more powerful stem cells can be injected to reduce inflammation and have a much longer duration of action. Second, stem cells can promote healing by helping to regrow damaged tissue, including cartilage. We have had remarkable results using stem cells to treat chronic pain thus far and are excited to bring this cutting-edge treatment to our community.

  • Harvesting stem cells is a very simple 20-30 minute procedure done under local anesthesia. The cells are then sent overnight to a storage facility that purifies and grows them over the period of six weeks. They then send it back for injection in areas of chronic pain.

